This is one of a series of discussion posts based on questions from the AQ-10 autism test.
9. I like to collect information about categories of things.
- Definitely Agree
- Slightly Agree
- Slightly Disagree
- Definitely Disagree
Is this statement true for you? Can you think of any examples? Is it an easy or difficult question for you to answer?
You can take the full AQ-10 test here. Note this test is intended as a quick screener, and cannot diagnose or rule out any condition on its own.
I would guess it means that you have a interest in a category of something. You don't like fish, but you are interested in lobe-finned fish.
Okay, if I was going to learn about fish, it might go something like "I mentioned to someone about how spawning salmon return to their place of birth. But is that actually true?" *Learns about salmon life-cycle. *Learns about biological study of animal migration. *Learns about migration in different animals. *Learns about how understanding has developed over time. *Learns how it influenced ideas on geoscience, commerce, anthropology
It's like I'm on a random walk through the tree of knowledge, rather than cataloguing a few select branches.
I do like how the class of lobe-finned fish can be interpreted to include human beings. That just tickles me.
Yup i do this as well. i want to know the knowledge and the knowledge about the knowledge etc. Probably just to make absolutely sure it's correct.