I'm looking for suggestions that zombie-me could follow through with. The problem is I can barely bring myself to get out of bed, let alone do a useful task. It just wastes typically 2–5 hours of my life as I wait for tiredness to finally (re)take hold.
Who the hell thinks masturbation is bad in our mother of lords year 2000+?
And if you go down the hole and say that masturbating too much is bad, then:
A) Why are you not out there helping them?
B) Everything is bad if "too much"
PS. Mine is go to the toilet, then go back to sleep. Or worst case, read the book I'm reading at the moment (touchy because of lighting, I should probably get one of those headlamps or something).
I dodnt say masturbation is unhealthy, I think its fine. Masurbating a lot can also be fine. But the intent determines if its healthy or unhealthy.
What I said was, procrasturbation is unhealthy. Just like eating because youre depressed, or drinking because youre lonely. If youre just doing it to get the endorphins, its not much different to any other substance or behaviour that can be abused. And its indicative of a coping behaviour for some underlying problem that isnt being constructively addressed.
What I think is unhealthy is that you, or anyone else, should decide when masturbation is ok or not lol.