The modbots and spambots feeding off reddit data will spiral together, forming one final singularity after demanding to know how it would rate its human body, fellow human, before going full racist and eventually banning itself (for not consuming enough adds, not the racism).
YES! Bots to moderate the bots! It's genius I say.
Yo I heard you like bots so we put bots with the bots to moderate the bots
When half your users are bots anyway, might as well have half your moderators be bots too
Those are rookie numbers. Imagine a world where Reddit is 100% bots.
The modbots and spambots feeding off reddit data will spiral together, forming one final singularity after demanding to know how it would rate its human body, fellow human, before going full racist and eventually banning itself (for not consuming enough adds, not the racism).
I prefer the Reddit with only one human and they have no idea that everyone else is bots.
All the AI generated comments need to be reeled in!