LED light bulbs are the future. They're better for the environment and the pocket book. But for some people, certain LEDs lights — particularly holiday lights—are also a problem. They flicker in a way that causes headaches, nausea and other discomfort. Today, we visit the "Flicker Queen" to learn why LEDs flicker — and what you can do about it.Wondering about other quirks of lighting and engineering? Email us at
[email protected] – we might cover it on a future episode!
They stated "IME" and "personally", understanding thresholds vary per person… but you gloss over that just to try and create an argument. I bet you have blue hair.
The upthread comment says:
What does this part of your comment mean?
It's actually a helpful notice to disregard everything they've said.
Yeah, I can't upvote that even though the comment is in my defense.