Wordpad was good for notes with wrapped text. However then I discovered Notepad++ and that's the far better note taking application - you can even get plugins like a comparitor that compares two different files, as well as being an excellent application for typing and viewing code.
I thought WordPad was the best thing ever in 2001.
Then I got Microsoft Word. Then Google Docs changed everything by making it free and haven't even thought of WordPad since.
I dunno something something LibreOffice before the Linux nerds beat me up.
Not a Linux nerd, LibreOffice is what we use on our five windows computers because it's free 🤷
Wordpad was good for notes with wrapped text. However then I discovered Notepad++ and that's the far better note taking application - you can even get plugins like a comparitor that compares two different files, as well as being an excellent application for typing and viewing code.
Collabora's cool too!