None of these representatives objected to us sinking boats involved in piracy operations. They're objecting to attacks on land against a group that is pretty close to a government. There's some point at which on-land operations turn from being defending against piracy to regime change. Which may be warranted, but should be decided by Congress.
Ha I see why you might think so but I was referring to "neighborhood rules" for kids' games like Tag. We'd often designate a light pole or a car as "home base" and you couldn't be tagged as "It" if you were touching it.
I hope you play tag in Europe or else this didn't make sense either lol
None of these representatives objected to us sinking boats involved in piracy operations. They're objecting to attacks on land against a group that is pretty close to a government. There's some point at which on-land operations turn from being defending against piracy to regime change. Which may be warranted, but should be decided by Congress.
I'm pretty sure you can attack the pirates when they get back on land too.
Not if they have one foot on home base. No backsies!
I think that's a baseball reference I'm too european to get
Ha I see why you might think so but I was referring to "neighborhood rules" for kids' games like Tag. We'd often designate a light pole or a car as "home base" and you couldn't be tagged as "It" if you were touching it.
I hope you play tag in Europe or else this didn't make sense either lol
Ah instead a game I'm either too old to remember or too woman to have played. It does sound vaguely familiar though.
Then Congress needs to add that to the War Powers Act.