What's to like about an opportunistic grifter? Especially one that cozies up to fascist movements.
But the two main reasons the MAGAs don't like him/will stop liking him are that he's obviously too brown for them, and their Golden Calf has now declared that he's not MAGA, which is pretty much the kiss of death for a grifter like him.
No one likes Vivek. I think the only thing he's proven is that it's actually possible to be more repulsive than Trump.
What's to like about an opportunistic grifter? Especially one that cozies up to fascist movements.
But the two main reasons the MAGAs don't like him/will stop liking him are that he's obviously too brown for them, and their Golden Calf has now declared that he's not MAGA, which is pretty much the kiss of death for a grifter like him.
Ever since he betrayed Nerevar, he went downhill in my eyes.
I haven't made this connection yet, but thank you so much for forcing my brain to do it.