I'm having a hard time caring who the right wing in Iowa thinks should be president. Looking at recent history, they usually pick someone that will go on to lose the nomination. They may indeed pick this idiot. Hell they picked Cruz, Huckabee and Santorum 3 of the last 4 (they appear to be political idiots). Who cares what they think?
In the same vein, the Democratic nominee is heavily judged based on how they perform in South Carolina which doesn't vote blue in the general election. Caring what small amounts of largely irrelevant voters think while ignoring the majority is apparently one of our favorite things as a nation.
I can't disagree. Dems seem to believe (rightly or wrongly) that whoever wins the nom in SC will have the majority black vote in the general election.
Yeah, the way elections are run in this country is become more and more tragicomic with time. Even decades ago, I wondered just how the hell we were looking to places like Iowa for our future. Not that people in Iowa are inherently bad or anything, but as far as being strategically important? Let me know when they have a population that approaches California, or a GDP.
Iowans picking Cruz, and him winning, is in spite of their choice.
He won, again, because the political landscape was in his favor: it was an off-year, his opponent made a public gaffe about gun control, and lots of conservative Californians had been moving to Texas. Cruz is not a popular politician in Texas, but because there were lots of transplants who hadn't truly experienced his bullshit, they voted for him. Couple that with often-lower turnout in off-year elections and the gun comment, and you have a recipe for a winning strategy.
This time, Cruz is on the ticket for the Presidential Election, Californians are moving to Florida, and Millennials and Gen Z are actually turning up to vote. It doesn't matter what Iowans think, and he should be worried.
The candidates from the GOP smell like my Son's dirty diapers. The only difference between them is the color of the poo.
Well at least one of them is the Biggest Loser they have ever seen so they have that going for them
Vivek is such a pos human that even GTAV RP has him as a shit bag character! He already got arrested and charged for fraud and is not allowed to be mayor.
But seriously folks Vivek is really a pathetic, shit eating, human waste of space. The people who bow to Trump and his tactics ALL have dirt somewhere on them. It’s the only thing that makes sense at this point.
No one likes Vivek. I think the only thing he's proven is that it's actually possible to be more repulsive than Trump.
Ever since he betrayed Nerevar, he went downhill in my eyes.
I haven't made this connection yet, but thank you so much for forcing my brain to do it.
What's to like about an opportunistic grifter? Especially one that cozies up to fascist movements.
But the two main reasons the MAGAs don't like him/will stop liking him are that he's obviously too brown for them, and their Golden Calf has now declared that he's not MAGA, which is pretty much the kiss of death for a grifter like him.