In the same vein, the Democratic nominee is heavily judged based on how they perform in South Carolina which doesn't vote blue in the general election. Caring what small amounts of largely irrelevant voters think while ignoring the majority is apparently one of our favorite things as a nation.
Yeah, the way elections are run in this country is become more and more tragicomic with time. Even decades ago, I wondered just how the hell we were looking to places like Iowa for our future. Not that people in Iowa are inherently bad or anything, but as far as being strategically important? Let me know when they have a population that approaches California, or a GDP.
In the same vein, the Democratic nominee is heavily judged based on how they perform in South Carolina which doesn't vote blue in the general election. Caring what small amounts of largely irrelevant voters think while ignoring the majority is apparently one of our favorite things as a nation.
I can't disagree. Dems seem to believe (rightly or wrongly) that whoever wins the nom in SC will have the majority black vote in the general election.
Yeah, the way elections are run in this country is become more and more tragicomic with time. Even decades ago, I wondered just how the hell we were looking to places like Iowa for our future. Not that people in Iowa are inherently bad or anything, but as far as being strategically important? Let me know when they have a population that approaches California, or a GDP.