By all credible accounts the systemic issues at Boeing predate this CEO by probably 2 decades. Dave Calhoun seems to specialize in "troubled companies", i.e. he has never been anything more than a professional scape goat.
Edit: I didn't do enough research, he hasn't really been CEO at many places, just upper positions like director and board member. Still, the companies he specializes in seem to be the ones with reputations to cannibalize for money by cutting quality and screwing consumers, like GE.
By all credible accounts the systemic issues at Boeing predate this CEO by probably 2 decades. Dave Calhoun seems to specialize in "troubled companies", i.e. he has never been anything more than a professional scape goat.
Edit: I didn't do enough research, he hasn't really been CEO at many places, just upper positions like director and board member. Still, the companies he specializes in seem to be the ones with reputations to cannibalize for money by cutting quality and screwing consumers, like GE.
If it comes with golden parachutes it's all but guaranteed he doesn't care.
If I got millions of dollars every time a company went down in flames around me, I’d carry around a can of gas and matches.
He was CEO, he could have implemented policies to alleviate these issues. Instead he kept the status quo.
He belongs in jail, not another board room.
He was responsible for the figurative nosedive my boss' previous company did. Now he's responsible for the literal nosedive of Boeing.
This man is a professional company ruiner, not just a scape goat.
Calhoun's MCAS might have been set incorrectly 👀
Didn't he hold senior positions in Boeing much longer than he has been CEO?
You're right, he was there since 2009, so he has probably been helping to design the cannibalization, but it certainly didn't begin with him.