I’ve read the community rules and now that i’m posting the link directly instead of linking from the cited text, i think this is article has it’s place in this community.
if that’s not the case, can you help me understand why
edit: I’ve posted it on sunday/monday when it wasn’t 2 days old and it got deleted. i’m trying to understand if it’s the contents or the format (linking from the cited text from the text body) that got it deleted. I thought comments on the deleted post was interesting
Article is from Sunday, before Biden ended his candidacy and endorsed Harris. It’s basically a weak comedy piece that goes with some silly ideas. However, I feel compelled to address a couple points.
The assassination attempt on Donald Trump last weekend is a tragedy; a tragedy for democracy, a tragedy for America and, above all, a tragedy for the whole world, because it means Donald Trump will be re-elected.
Why do people keep thinking this? There’s no correlation between a candidate getting shot and getting elected.
Last Saturday, a piece of Trump’s ear was shot away by a gunman.
As far as I’ve heard he was nicked by the bullet and didn’t have anything “shot away.” He himself said, in a publicly released recording that, the bullet “Felt Like World’s Largest Mosquito.”
The Wet Bandits, naturally. It’s always the Wet Bandits.
Things have changed since this was written…
its a sharp (but dated) opinion piece. that last paragraph, tho. thats… probably CW worthy.
- It’s an opinion piece.
- It’s dated (only two days, but before Biden dropped out, so…)
- Its premise was shaky to begin with
I don’t think there are any community rules against those things. It is political so, I’m no mod, but seems OK here to me.
Fuckin Buzz for sure,
shitmerdeYou’re what the French call “les incompetant”
(just ensuring I clarify I am not directing this at you, NegativeLookBehind)
Buzz, your girlfriend, woof
You’re what the French call “les incompetant”
“les incompétents”, vous voulez dire?
you reply to wrong comment with a spelling mistake. Your comment about compétence was it’s demonstration :)
but, what do you mean? i’m curious. Who’s incompetent and why?
i thought the article was cleverly written
…it’s from the movie
De rien