
Warren Buffett gave $1.1 billion in Berkshire Hathaway stock to family foundations and detailed plans for distributing his $147 billion fortune after his death.

His three children will oversee giving the remainder within 10 years, with designated successors in case they predecease him.

Buffett, 94, reaffirmed his belief in avoiding dynastic wealth, favoring philanthropy instead.

Over the years, he has donated $55 billion to the Gates Foundation but plans to shift focus to his family’s foundations.

Buffett continues leading Berkshire Hathaway while preparing Greg Abel as his successor.

    3 months ago

    People are so stupid, they look at that figure and go “147 billion. Huh”

    That cunt is a fucking greedy evil bastard and is literally causing children to starve to death because people can’t afford food. This evil shit has $18 for every man, woman and child on earth. Think about that.

    I’m not some sort of reactionary but I’m astonished how people don’t realise just how much suffering these evil fuckwits are causing.

    Burn the cunt on a stake