Imagine the millions and millions of veterans and their families who sacrificed their lives and loved ones to fight the Nazis only for the mofos to take over the country with the greatest of ease. They all must be rolling in their graves.
Except for China-made Tesla right?
He’s sucking up to his benefactor and handler Putin.
From Google Canada:
lol great
Myanmar generals are getting propped up by China in return. China is holding back the rebels under their control from further gains on Myanmar in return for the Junta’s compliance.
A little too little, a little too late. They did jack shit when they had power.
Yeah that’s exactly it. I no longer use reddit. when I do searches reddit does come up. But I don’t need to go onto reddit because AI summarizes things. And I skip reddit anyways in the search results.
National Post is a conservative newspaper owned by Americans.
Elon is South African. He doesn’t understand English. /s
Some friends from Philippines told me Marcos family used a social media campaign for years depicting his father’s decades of dictatorship as some kind of utopia where everything was better. And a ton of people bought that over HARD FACTS. Marcos Sr. stole something like $20billion from Philippines (this was 80s dollars, not current value) so they had a lot of money to spend on this kind of social media engineering. Very scary.
Man all those Arab Americans who voted for their orange god. Their god is cruel. Leopards ate their faces.
SMH. This is disappointing.
As of 11:46am ET, they have not taken effect. I am NOT sure if Trump administration knows how to implement what they want to do LOL.
Compared to the US, yes it is much much safer here. I would be scared to walk late night downtown ANYWHERE in US cities. Here, that’s never been a problem.
Easy solution: live in a safe country! We have no fears of night walks in Canada.
Wow. Mask is off! No pretense now. Nazi agenda being rolled out. It’s not MAGA. It’s MAWA.
Folks, Trump used to warn years ago about US becoming a Banana Republic. Well THIS is what a banana republic looks like. It’s no longer USA. It’s USB - United States of Banana republics - USB.
This is such a burn! “Abramson noted, “It is also a particularly American disease to confuse wealth with intelligence and corporations with those who own them.”