What!?! No! That complicates my emotional response! Damn you and your “context!” Leave me with my clickbait titles and feelings of justified rage! Everyone I disagree with is a reasonless Neanderthal! I am superior and always right!
I think if there was any rage it's because it's a kid and the man is a figure of power. He's supposed to represent the population and it's interests. Basically what I'm saying is, if he made an effort to know the kid maybe he could find ways to help.
When you are a kid doing bullshit do you prefer to be helped to a better path or just plain old intimidaded for no truly decent purpose.
I think we have to find ways to improve help carry the next generation so they can achieve better things. But maybe that's just bc I watch too much anime
What!?! No! That complicates my emotional response! Damn you and your “context!” Leave me with my clickbait titles and feelings of justified rage! Everyone I disagree with is a reasonless Neanderthal! I am superior and always right!
I think if there was any rage it's because it's a kid and the man is a figure of power. He's supposed to represent the population and it's interests. Basically what I'm saying is, if he made an effort to know the kid maybe he could find ways to help.
When you are a kid doing bullshit do you prefer to be helped to a better path or just plain old intimidaded for no truly decent purpose.
I think we have to find ways to improve help carry the next generation so they can achieve better things. But maybe that's just bc I watch too much anime
Threatening to kill someone who isn't a threat to you is psycho shit.
The mayor was restraining the boy a other person was threatening the boy.
Do people think they're funny and/or smart leaving comments like this? Literally anytime someone questions something, there's this comment.
It's a very Reddit way to agree with a point.