Last three cats I’ve roomed with all have zero interest in catnip. My disappointment is immeasurable.
There are different kinds. Mycat has varying levels of reaction to each from little interest to major goofball.
You can try silvervine as well.
Cat nip and cat mint are different plants. Often if a cat is resistant to one, they will be more likely to enjoy the other. Might be worth a shot.
legalize it
My cat's weird with da nip. He has no interest in it unless it's inside a toy, then he'll destroy that thing within a day.
My cat goes hard core, she prefers to lick the kief then roll in the bud 🤣
Editing to add that I mean with nip cause that sounds like I give my cat pot but I don't lol.
I have a few stoned cat pics some would consider abuse like giving kids beer. I have done both but never took pictures, ha.
I grown my own for my cat who's crazy about lettuce, radish leaf, mache and arugula.
She keeps ignoring it. I don't know if it needs to bloom to be attractive.
Are we the baddies?
Nah man, this should be animal rights. Imagine going through life not getting baked even once. Damn, that's cruel.