Quebec's nationalism involves alienating non-French speaking Canadians including its own residents (eg Montrealers), creating a narrative that Quebec's culture is at risk of being wiped out, reinforcing a victim complex, blaming its own minorities while complaining about being a minority, and by enacting discriminory laws that only aim to exclude those who don't fit their image of what a Quebecer should be.
Can you explain? What do you mean by nationalism?
Anglo Canadians see Quebec's interculturalism as nationalism in the third Reich sense…
The victim complex in action, exhibit A:
Quebec's nationalism involves alienating non-French speaking Canadians including its own residents (eg Montrealers), creating a narrative that Quebec's culture is at risk of being wiped out, reinforcing a victim complex, blaming its own minorities while complaining about being a minority, and by enacting discriminory laws that only aim to exclude those who don't fit their image of what a Quebecer should be.