I remember reading somewhere (probably my high school textbook) that one of the reasons people don't like wind power being built is they cause visual pollution.
In my opinion, I think it would be pretty cool to just look out my window and see a giant windmill there, the opposite of visual pollution.
Like with anything, too much of it will look/taste/smell/sound bad.
Is that a reason in and of itself to not build wind power plants? No.
Personally I find wind power plants to look cool, a bit sci-fi and futuristic.
The argument that they are ugly is dumb, using a term like "visual pollution" is just a way to try and make a subjective oppinion sound like objective fact.
people arguing about visual pollution never had to worry about their kids growing up with asthma induced by exhaust fumes.
They did have to worry about it, but they chose not to anyway