I'm not the genius chess grandmaster that Tate is, but somehow I have managed to avoid the inside of every single Romanian prison.
Also, I've never trafficked even one person. Seems like a pretty beta male move on his part.
I have managed to avoid the inside of every single Romanian prison.
The secret is to avoid carbs. Romanian pizza is what took Tate down.
I somehow forgot that him getting pissy at the existence of Greta Thunberg is what gave Romanian cops the data they needed to arrest him.
I wonder how much he seethes at night knowing this fact.
I wonder if it's ruined his capacity to enjoy pizza
Nope, somebody on Twitter literally just made that part up.
Well, TIL. I liked it better when it was a meme and not a serious police investigation that took him down, but it makes sense.
I suspect the reason it spread so easily was that people wanted to believe.
I think the fact that people have been located through even more obscure methods helped spread the lie. Remember when 4chan located a flag via Shia LaBeouf's twitter and plane contrails. Somebody fucking up infosec with a pizza box is honestly quite believable.
Downside: Considered a monster by sane people worldwide
Upside: Can order shaorma via glovo every day, even in house arrest
What, you mean you didn't have a successful YouTube channel that advocated for rape and human trafficking and then moved to Romania because you said it made facilitating rape and human trafficking easier and so you were never arrested in Romania for rape and human trafficking?!
This made me smirk.
I refuse to answer this question without my lawyer present
deleted by creator
How about deliberately tho?
deleted by creator
I am the genius chess grandmaster that Tate is!
But not that Tate…
You've avoided it so far. Don't make assumptions about the future.
who is charged with human trafficking and rape
And who is a darling of the right despite them knowing that. Sounds familiar, come to think of it…
Just needs some tax fraud and he's fit to run for office as a Republican
Isn't that one of the reasons he moved to Romania in the first place?
The country's lax laws on rape are "probably 40% of the reason" he moved there, in his own words.
Goddamn it that guy is a piece of trash. I hope he goes back to prison there.
The spokespeople for the right are full of individuals like this. It's insane they feel the need to invent elaborate conspiracy theories about others when these people are right in front of their faces.
They need the other side to also be terrible to maintain the 'both sides are the same' narrative. It's why they're desperate to impeach Biden for something.
They all claim that he hasn't been convicted yet, so he isn't a rapist.
Just have to ignore the part where Taters said he/him fled to Romania because the human trafficking laws are more lax.
Trump was found liable for rape and they still don't call him a rapist. I wish they'd just come out and admit they're fine with rape instead of all of this pussyfooting around.
It's like their feelings keep them from caring about the facts
Considering that he explicitly said that he moved to Romania because he felt he could operate with impunity there, it's good they're keeping him restricted.
I saw him being interviewed about the middle east and Israel, like why the fuck are outfits like the BBC interviewing this rapist piece of shit about anything?
To highlight his shitness. It made parents sit up and pay attention.
Did it though?
Yes, that's why I said it. My students haven't mentioned him in a long long time.
I can't share this view sadly
Publicly bragging that the Romanian justice system is corrupt and won't detain him probably didn't help.
Quite the contrary, I think it helped the rest of us a lot, by keeping that piece of shit detained.
Not saying it is a bad thing. It is also very fortunate that Romania needs to show that they have a robust judical system to get into the Schengen agreement. I hope for society, that Romania now really needs to show that they can keep the EU safe from non-EU criminals like Tate.
Oh, he's trying to flee Romania the same way he fled the UK to escape accusations of domestic violence and sexual aggression?
Fuck him and his brother. I hope they both rot for life in the worst Romanian prison they can find and that they lose everything. They fucking deserve it for all they've done to humanity.
I was cool with not seeing news about this chud after I left reddit
I don't understand why people keep complaining about journalists doing their job. Every time there is an article about musk, someone is bitching that they can't stand him anymore and op should stop posting about it.
Now Tate has had a major ruling against him. I read the Guardian most days and I haven't seen an article about him in weeks, I admit I might have missed one.
You know you can put your phone down, or go read arstechnica or Tom's hardware if you are not interested in the news?
Must be weird for him that someone tries to fuck him voluntarily.
Your comment is double funny because of the rape joke but also the fact that Fuck has a legal context which is also appropriate.
Thanks for explaining the joke, wouldn't have possibly got it without your comment.
I appreciate your appreciation.
Oddly enough a lot of people didn't appreciate it, which is weird.
Any hope of an actual criminal trial in the near future? Granted, any ruling against him is a plus, but let’s get on with it and put this shitstain in prison where he belongs.
I like this superpositional moment for him. I suspect his insecurities made him want to be caught, and that there is some relief that will come, even if he sent to jail.
I've literally never heard of this guy outside of Reddit (haven't been back since they killed RIF) and here. These articles do more to make him relevant than the other way around like it should be.
This is the first I’ve seen about him on Reddit or here, but he’s all over TikTok, YouTube, talked about among high schoolers and anywhere incels gather.
Not contradicting, but sharing my perspective. I teach 14 - 18 year olds in the USA, 80% of which are male. Andrew Tate peaked in their discussions about the time of his 1st arrest. (Was that last year?) I rarely hear about him anymore and really none this past school year.
If the current conversations I'm constantly battling are any indication, then the content algorithms are mainly serving up Jewish hate. Though surprisingly those comments are not tied to current events in Israel and Gaza.
Yeah my lads stopped mentioning him completely at the same time.
I live on YouTube and they've never recommended one of his videos to me in years and years. My uncles don't speak of him either.
Being relevant for losing appeals against being prosecuted for human trafficking isn't really the desirable kind of clout
In fairness that says more about you than anything else. The Guardian has been reporting regularly about him since he got arrested, i presume other outlets too but thats the one i follow. It's a major topic since he's an internationally recognised asshole that has been involved and taking photo ops with the leaders of the right of multiple countries, before being a foreign citizen involved in a heinous crime in Romania. A us/UK citizen by the way.
I too wish trump, Brannon, Tate etc disappear from the news but I'd rather that was for natural reasondlike their bodies decomposing than journalists not doing their job.
I am interested in how this evolves, whether he is finally convicted and whether he will spend some serious amount of time in a prison, be it in Romania, us or the UK.
Side note, I also think the red pillers or whether they are called these days are a symptom of society changing quickly, and young males being unable to find a way to deal with masculinity, hormones, what society expects of them, etc Somehow we need to find a way to deal with that with good role models, else people will continue being attracted to the Tate's of their time. And they will keep being in the news.
He's now contained in an Eastern European country. Now if only he could be contained within a prison.
Do you mean, "contained?"
There was never a typo in my comment.
Gatekeep, gaslight, girlboss
Womp womp fuck this piece of trash.
Oh no! Anyway.
Good for him! He will soon be surrounded only by other dominant males. No beta losers nor stupid women in Romanian jails.
He's such a poser.