This could be things that once were commercialized but are now public domain, or have largely resisted commercialization to this day. In this context I mean this as aiming for profit and being sold/monetized.
This could be things that once were commercialized but are now public domain, or have largely resisted commercialization to this day. In this context I mean this as aiming for profit and being sold/monetized.
Maybe doesn't quite fit but tabletop role playing games. Most of everything you need to play is available for free online, even for the popular commercial games. All you need really is paper, dice (sometimes), some imagination and some friends.
Paper… Check.
Dice… Check.
Friends… shit.
You can also play with enemies, but I don't know if I'd recommend it.
Yup. I remember plating Battleship with pencils and graph paper. Great fun, and if your opponent cheats, make them use a pen so they can't move their ships.