"Mr Giuliani’s bankruptcy creditors had previously filed a motion to compel him to sell his condo — the former mayor said he needs it to keep him off the streets and recording his podcast"
Maybe he will finally empathise with those dirty homeless people who should just get a job.
I’m sure he’ll just pull himself up by his bootstraps and start again!
Quick, someone give him a crippling opioid addiction to speed up the process.
If I'd believe for a second that he might actually end up homeless I'd say "and making anyone homeless for any reason is a bad thing". But I don't. And it's not empathy for him anyway, I just care about the principle of not throwing people into the streets.
Yeah and I mean, I agree with you, but he can get a shitty hole in the wall apartment, he doesn't need a multi-million dollar condo to not be homeless.
That's only supposed to happen to the plebs, not an elite like him!
I wouldn't feel safe with him on the streets. Can we implement a "stop and frisk" law that targets ancient sex pests?
You think his hairs running now, you ain't seen nothin yet
ERMAGERD I fucking love it!
Now do one with a Springtail
Is that even smaller?
Yes, that's how things work: if you can't pay your bills, you can be forced to sell stuff. I'm sure there are any number of homeless people who also felt it was unfair to lose their homes. And a lot of them lost their homes through medical debt or simple bad luck, not from deliberately trying to overthrow our system of government.
I genuinely truly hope this is the really message that gets picked up and repeated. It is their exact fucking logic for why they show no empathy for the less fortunate -' they must have done something to put themselves there.' Cuz it really doesn't fucking matter that it is Rudy, literally ANY other politician and entitled wealthy jackals would say. The problem is their toxic hypocrisy that costs people their lives.
Phew sorry. Bit of a rant there on your comment.
There's a disconnect here: you assume that merit is based upon actions… and it is, for the egalitarian outlook.
An authoritarian outlook assumes merit based on status. As in, 'if you have status it is due to your intrinsic worth'. Rich people deserve it… because they are rich. It makes my eyes cross and is gut-wrenchingly frustrating, but about 25% of humans lean this way it seems.
Homeless Rudy? Well, its a good thing you've spent your entire life upholding and strengthening the social safety net for people that need help, like you do now, right? RIGHT?!
I'm sure Giuliani knows a lot about empathy for the homeless given his time as mayor of New York City. Oh wait, he was actually criticized extensively for his heartless, draconian policies. Maybe I need to look into Buddhism because karma sure feels real right now.
His best buddy Trump is a real estate genius. The best ever at doing real estate. Maybe he can find Rudy a corner in the totally real rooms that make his Manhattan penthouse 30,000 sq. feet instead of the actual 11,000. The extra space is imaginary, but then so is their friendship because Trump only loves Trump and Rudy is finding that out.
Welcome to the rental market, shithead.
I don't think he can pass the income requirement. :)
Or the background check.
There really is nothing like the victim complex held by a privileged person who finds out how the system treats everyone else.
See also: all the J6ers crying about finding out that actions have consequences.
Not only that, Giuliani specifically was very invested in making life as difficult as possible for the homeless during his time as mayor.
I would like to think that a vengeful God with some dark humor might put him in front of a judge arguing about it in person, so that the judge could have a chance to make the point to him while his own personal precious balls are in the vice he was so happy to construct for others.
"Well, that shouldn't be a problem. Surely there are extensive services available for the homeless to help them get back on their feet. I'm sure you'll be fine."
"No? Well, what if they lost their living situation as a result of criminal proceedings? Are there special exemptions to allow them to avoid homelessness in cases like that, or for leniency in the cases against them?"
"I'm surprised. I would have thought that it's such a basic human right that some provision would have been made."
"Oh well. Well, you would know better than I would; I think you were in government at one time and dealt with the policies yourself."
"I understand that, Mr. Giuliani, but we do have other cases."
"Bailiff? Could you remove him? I think our interaction is pretty much completed."
Why's he worried - are homeless people treated poorly in Florida?
If only there was some government funded accomodation he could stay in, with free meals and some bars to keep him safe.
I hear people on those programs eat nothing but steak and lobster! Why's he turning down the good life!
Oh no it's illegal to be homeless in Florida. Can't we put Rudy up in a nice prison somewhere to save him the trouble?
Happens all the time dude. What makes you so special?
Apartment in NY and a condo in Florida? And selling one is going to make him homeless? Let me get my tiny, tiny violin.
There are probably many hundreds of thousands of people in the US who have had to downsize – not go homeless, just move to a smaller place. Ghouliani doesn't need 2 podcast studios, he doesn't need 2 homes, he doesn't even need one luxury home.
He's not far off from reaching his final form as Danny DeVito's Penguin.
He would have to become less grotesque to fill the part.
Also Roger Stone is kinda like the Adam West era penguin. Trump's gang is like Batman's rogues gallery except they're all various incarnations of the Penguin.
Eh, Kellyanne is a pretty good Scarecrow.
Now that you mention it, Tucker's insane laugh should get him into the gallery.
But maybe he should be the Riddler, because he's always "just asking questions."
I guess none of his relatives want to give him a couch or spare room to stay on for a while. Maybe he should think about why that is.
Literally a worry of most people in the country every day.
Plus for him, "homeless" is not owning a home. God forbid he has to pay rent, like homeless people do!!
Imagine the disconnect.
But of course, what can you expect from someone saying "trial by combat" in public with a serious face?
But of course, what can you expect from someone saying "trial by combat" in public with a serious face?
Really? Lol. Ah, in relation to all the Jan 6th BS, last year's news. Still, mfking crazy