On Monday, it appears X attempted to encourage users to cease referring to it as Twitter and instead adopt the name X. Some [users](https://twitter.com/t3dotgg/status/1777425000133468582 "(opens in a new window)") began [noticing](https://twitter.com/___frye/status/1777432913497465082 "(opens in a new window)") that posts [viewed](https://twitter.com/__justplaying/status/1777433986500853845 "(opens in a new window)") via X for iOS were [changing](https://twitter.com/luzfic/status/1777417205992562873 "(opens in a new window)") any [references](https://twitter.com/Arcticstar0/status/1777554091604103486 "(opens in a new window)") of "Twitter.com" to "X.com" automatically.
If a user typed in "Twitter.com," they would see "Twitter.com" as they typed it before hitting "Post." But, after submitting, the platform would show "X.com" in its place on the X for iOS app, without the user's permission, for everyone viewing the post.
And shortly after this revelation, it became clear that there was another big issue: X was changing anything ending in "Twitter.com" to "X.com."
find -type f -exec sed -i 's/twitter.com/x.com/g' {}\;
Take a backup first in case it breaks something, which it most likely will.
I don't really know code but he has that curvy line and some different colors and shit so this should work. Ship it. No need to test.
You just passed the exam to be a Project Manager
We don't always test but when we do, it's in prod.
Fuck it! We'll do it live!
"Everyone has a testing environment, but only some are lucky enough to have it separate from production."
Elon? Is that you?
If I was elon I would have said 'ship it you fucking code jews'
Elon affectiously refers to TWFKAT's developers as "Kode removed Klub"
Are you my company's developer!?
Partially because you didn't escape the dots.
Tell me you didn't read the article without telling me you didn't read the article.